Jul 25, 2008

The Party before Michael and Catherine's Nuptializing

Well guys, you're taking the big plunge and I personally want to wish you the best of everything. Marriage can be ordinary or it can be special. Make your's special.

And, as Detective Pep Streebeck toasted Joe Friday's Granny Monday, "may you live as long as you want, but never want as long as you live".

A silly movie, but a heartfelt sentiment.

On top of it all, Wilder and maybe even Ridgeway will make an appearance. I hear tell that G.T. Reid is showing up too. I smell an evening croquet match. Somebody's ass is grass (hope it ain't mine)

Mike, you grew up with all these old guys and we've kind of grown up with you. So, the Greenville clan wishes you the best...but it could be your ass that's grass. I'm just saying...

Catherine, welcome to the family.

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