Stay classy America: at least until the Prez elect selects Farrakhan as Secretary of State.
Just kidding!...I hope.
Seriously, Obama is the POTUS. The office deserves respect. I for one will choke back my Obama derangement syndrome (OBS) until there is ample reason to unleash it. I fervently hope that he rules wisely; that he resists the urge to lurch the country further leftward into nanny statism. Europe provides the model for that experiment; and it is a failure on various fronts. Yes, our Euroweenie cousins have cradle to the grave assurance from the EU, but at what costs? Double digit inflation and unemployment? Slavish devotion to a rabid multiculturalism that has ushered in a tacit concession to Islamofascism? Hmmm.
And remember: The US taxpayer has effectively absorbed the costs of protecting Europe from Russian aggression for 60+ years, thus allowing the Continentals the financial luxury of their experiments. We Colonists have no such luxury. The brunt of a liberal wish list will be born by Americans alone should Mr. Obama fulfill his campaign promises.
Stay tuned.
Larry great blog! I have been so busy lately with life issues that I have had very little time to wander about to other fabulous blogs. enjoyed the rant and will definately add you to my blog roll! :)N
Thanks Nikki
Love ATN...keep blasting away!
"America Alone"? Sounds like you've read the Steyn book.
Pondering what my and my children's future is looking like I reckoned I need only to look at the EU. You bring up a good point though, we don't have the luxury of looking to the EU for protection. Oh.. that's right, we don't need any protection now, we're going to make peace with the world and live an anesticized life; casting all our cares on the state.
can someone turn up the drip please!
Dan, Steyn is one of my favorite authors these day. He is witty and thourough in explaining the rising tide of extremist Islam. America Alone should be read by everyone who values Western Civilization. Steyn makes a compelling connection between Europe's embrace of cradle to the grave government and the impending demographic shift that threatens their freedoms. Stay diligent!
"I will send them a strong delusion so that they will believe a lie."This is a quote from the Bible though I cannot tell you the verse.This is what is happening to this country at this time in history.The media has sold the public on the lie that Obama will govern for the good of the downtrodden.To quote Limbaugh "follow the money".Over two hundred million dollars from over seas donors has flowed into his coffers.Most if not all of this money has come from countries and dictators that have caused thier people to be"downtrodden".America has been betrayed by it's media and sold the great delusion.Hold on tight and prepare yourselves the ride to "Hell to in a handbasket" has begun.
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