Nov 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I'm having turkey, dressing and (in lieu of cranberry sauce) a government bail out for dinner today ("bidness" is bad). For dessert I'm having a piece of sweet potato pie...and keeping with the Obamatron's "spread the wealth" mantra, I might just eat your piece of pie too damn it...and don't think I won't slice your hand off if you try to stop me you silly God clinging, gun toting rube! Whew! I'm feeling feisty on this T-Day morning.

Well, the religion of peace (ROP) didn't get the memo from HQ that this is Thanksgiving week. The crap is hitting the fan in India. I think we should immediately reconvene Congress to determine our culpability. I'm sure that Pelosi, Reid (Harry not Larry), Frank, etc, ad nauseum are crafting a cracker jack apology to the Muslim perps as we speak (it is the right thing to do). It simply has to be America's always is...isn't it?

How Obama got elected: 9 minutes long...stunning stupidity on display. I suggest waiting until you have digested your T-Day dinner (sans the slice of pie I confiscated from you), otherwise you'll be 'chipmunk cheeks' all the way to the john after watching this.

Only two days until that Titanic clash between The Clemson University Fighting Tigers and those Ass-Hats better known as The South Carolina Gamecocks. Gamecock fans have all the personality of Muslim clerics just served pork chops at a Ramadan feast. A truly nasty and deluded bunch.

Here's to the Tiggers opening up a giant economy sized can of whip-ass on Saint Steve and his crack smoking band of Columbia felons. Allah willing of course.

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